Date and Time Formatting in C#

There are several ways we can format System.Date.Now date. C# is very powerful with its own String.Format funcation that takes several formatting specifiers. We can format different data types with this function. In this tutorial we'll go over date and time values. 

In order to format date and time string we need to have string of the date time value. If you are trying to format a string, you'll have to parse this string as date time first and then apply formatting that you want. The most important part is to remember all of the avialable specifiers. The list provided below is good enough to accomplish most of the date time formatting with the help of C#

Specifier Description Output 

d -  Short Date 08/04/2007
D -  Long Date 08 April 2007
t -  Short Time 21:08
T -  Long Time 21:08:59
f -  Full date and time 08 April 2007 21:08
F -  Full date and time (long) 08 April 2007 21:08:59
g -  Default date and time 08/04/2007 21:08
G -  Default date and time (long) 08/04/2007 21:08:59
M -  Day / Month 08 April
r -  RFC1123 date Sun, 08 Apr 2007 21:08:59 GMT
s -  Sortable date/time 2007-04-08T21:08:59
u -  Universal time, local timezone 2007-04-08 21:08:59Z
Y -  Month / Year April 2007
dd -  Day 08
ddd -  Short Day Name Sun
dddd -  Full Day Name Sunday
hh -  2 digit hour 09
HH -  2 digit hour (24 hour) 21
mm -  2 digit minute 08
MM -  Month 04
MMM -  Short Month name Apr
MMMM -  Month name April
ss -  seconds 59
tt -  AM/PM PM
yy -  2 digit year 07
yyyy -  4 digit year 2007
: -  seperator, e.g. {0:hh:mm:ss} 09:08:59
/ - seperator, e.g. {0:dd/MM/yyyy} 08/04/2007