C# Development Tutorial
Sharpen your C# Development skill set by taking a deep dive into such areas of C# and .NET Development as strings, boxing and unboxing, asynchronous programming, authentication and authorization among many more.
- Replacing string or substrings with Regular Expressions in C#
- Value Types versus Reference Types
- Immutable versus Mutable string
- Partial Classes
- Boxing and Unboxing
- Compressing and Decompressing Stream
- Using Regular Expressions
- Encoding and Decoding
- Sequential Lists such as Queue and Stack
- Dictionary Implementation of Hashtable
- Generic Collections
- Serialization and Deserialization
- Formatting Text
- Thread implementation
- Asynchronous Programming
- AppDomain implementation
- Configuring App. domains
- Team Edition for Software Architects
- Authentication and Authorization
- Windows Management Instrumentation
- Configuration Tool
- Event Log
- Debugging and Tracing
- Performance monitoring
- Performance Counters
- Statring up a Process
- Using Streams System.IO.Stream
- Handling Exceptions System.ApplicationException
- Object Inheritance
- Interfaces and Contracts
- Generics System.Collections.Generic
- Events
- Attributes in System.Attribute
- Type Forwarding
- Types Conversion
- File System Class inside System.IO
- Reading and Writing Files
- Advanced Readers and Writers
- Isolated Storage
- Extract Data with Regular Expressions
- Collections in System.Collections class
- Dictionary of SortedList Class
- ListDictionary HybridDictionary and OrderedDictionary
- Specialized Collections
- XML Serialization and Deserialization
- Controlling serialization
- Custom Serialization
- Serialization Events
- Drawing Graphics with System.Drawing
- Images with System.Drawing.Image
- Passing Data to Thread
- Sharing Data between multiple Threads
- Windows Services implementation
- Configuring with System.Configuration
- Configuring Application Settings
- Using Installer
- Configuration Management with ConfigurationManager
- Use of Listeners
- Code Access Security
- Declarative Code Access Security
- Declarative vs Imperative Security
- Role Based Security
- Implementing Custom Users and Roles
- Access Control List
- Symmetric Encryption and Decryption
- Asymmetric Encryption and Decryption
- Hash Algorithm for Data Protection
- Digital Signature Implementation
- Interop Implementation
- Components from within COM
- Unmanaged Code
- Reflection
- Assembly Attributes
- Reflecting Types
- Dynamic Objects with Dynamic Code
- Creating Code at runtime
- Creating Mail Messages
- Sending Email Messages
- Culture Information
- Custom Culture Creation
- Date and Time Formatting
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